Third Grade Book Clubs

Earlier this month we prepared the students for participating in book clubs. After needing to postpone for a week, yesterday was finally the day.

The students had read their chosen book and prepared by taking notes on post-its.  We gave the kids this bookmark as a tool.  (It has two sides.)

ImageStudents worked for two weeks, some a little less.  By yesterday their books were overflowing with notes – regardless of their reading level.


We prepared the students by looking at pictures of their practice book clubs a few weeks ago.  They used the anchor chart we made to label the pictures of themselves in book clubs.

We covered the desks with table cloths, poured some juice, and the talking commenced.  They were so excited and for the most part on task!  As I walked around I kept expecting to hear conversations about things other than books, but they were really that excited talking about books!  And the few times the topic got off, all we had to do was ask what they were talking about next. The students would turn to a different post-it and continue their discussion, referring to evidence in the book.

I know that we have worked hard as a class, teachers and students, but sometimes after standardized testing I get discouraged.  Did I do enough?  What could I have done better?  This activity showed me how even if their learning does not show up on the test scores, they have learned so much about being a reader.

There is more to share about their conversations and reflections, but it will have to wait for another day.


5 thoughts on “Third Grade Book Clubs”

  1. Love all those post its! What a great confirmation of their learning when they know how to step it up to the next level. Documenting this kind of learning is a great “data” to hold beside those test scores!

  2. You know I love all the instructional things you share on your blog. I continually read posts like these and think, that’s so cool! I want to do that! I love book clubs too!

  3. your kiddos are rock stars because of the masterful teaching that happens in your room each day! I actually just wrote about you two today on my blog! (Hope you don’t mind!) 🙂

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