What do you see?

20160330_111522We spent the day at Brookfield Zoo with my sister, mom, and two nephews.  It amazes me how everyone sees the world differently.  The same moment, the same view, provokes different thoughts in each person experiencing it.

My four year old nephew focuses on the facts about the animal:  Look at it walking!  Where do they live?  What do they eat?

My son goes strait for the narrative:  The giraffe looks like it’s talking to the tree.  “Hello Mr. Tree.  What is my future, Tree?”

My mind is thinking two things at once.  I see the giraffe and feel guilty. Guilty that I can roam the world and she is stuck inside this fence.  Simultaneously, I am listening to these two beautiful, very different boys voice their thoughts.  I am enjoying this moment, despite my guilt.  I am lucky to have these boys in my life.

3 thoughts on “What do you see?”

  1. Sounds like you may have a writer and a scientist on your hands. And I can so relate to your guilt. That’s what I always feel at zoos.

  2. I love how you stopped and noticed all the perspectives within one moment. That is a crafty move that I will have to pay attention to as a writer! Thanks!

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