SOL Day 2: My Epiphany

11454297503_e27946e4ff_hMy co-teacher was beginning to create her blog and she was considering what to write for her “About” page.

Jill:   What did you write for your about?

Me:  I don’t think I have an about page…(We looked it up.) I guess I do.  I wrote that a while ago…

I was amazed at what I had written over a year ago…It was so generic and only about school.  So much has changed…and so…my “About” page had to change as well…


It has been a full year of blogging for me and throughout this year I have discovered so many new things about writing, and about myself.

This was my original bio:

This is my fifth year teaching and my first as a classroom teacher. I spent my first four years as a Reading Teacher and am thrilled about this move. This year I am co-teaching a third grade inclusive classroom. ( I am the general education half of the co-teaching pair.) We have students of various abilities, backgrounds, and strengths all learning together. We learn together and from each other every day and I look forward to sharing what I learn from the students this year.

Over the course of the last year I have discovered that I am more than a teacher, although I love my profession.  I am more than a mother, even if it is my most important and favorite job.  I am an aunt.  I am a writer.  I am a friend.  I am a woman.  All of these things have come together in this blog.  Through my writing I have discovered more facets of myself and I am so grateful.  When I began this journey I would not have been able to predict how much I would learn about myself.  Let the journey continue…

10 thoughts on “SOL Day 2: My Epiphany”

  1. I love this epiphany! Yes, you are so much more than…. And writing always highlights and lets us process the ways we are more because we take the time think. And when we put the time into thinking a natural extension is to being able to select just the right words to describe these thoughts. Yay for writing! Yay for revising our ‘about’ profiles!

  2. I find it amazing how much we have hidden from ourselves. I have only just begun the process but each time I sit down to write a slice I am either discovering or rediscovering something about myself.

  3. It sounds like writing has done great things for you! I’m hoping for the same for me this year! Congratulations, and thank you for the post!

  4. Jennie, this is so great! You are an amazing writer, teacher, mother, aunt, friend, co-worker, and many more! I’ve learned so much about you through your blog 🙂

  5. What a topic to consider: a revision of our About’s. I love that you did take the time to update it because I’ve clicked on it before and it sure didn’t describe you, at least the you I came to know through following your posts. Although you are a fine teacher who posts really creative ideas. 🙂

  6. Thank you for this post. I blogged last year for the first time during the March Slice of Life Challenge and then left it for a year. When I came back to it for this challenge this weekend I read my last post about my grandfather’s 89th birthday. We are about to celebrate his 90th this month. In the post I wrote about a memory we shared together, something I had completely forgotten. I just recaptured a beautiful memory about my grandpa.
    Even after a long and hectic day I am excited to read the writing of others and reach out to a community of writers, thinkers and dreamers. 🙂

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