You know you are a teacher approaching the beginning of a new school year when…

  • You spend way too much money and too many shopping trips to JoAnn’s, the Dollar Tree, and Walmart.
  • You buy 20+ of things that the average person never needs in bulk.  (ex:  yoga balls, clearance door knobs, various shaped containers)
  • Your TO DO list looks something like this, more things being added than crossed off.20140816_191533
  • You pull out your to do list at the movie theater during the previews of TMNT because things that need to be done keep popping into your head.
  • You get 2-3 hours of sleep a night because you head is swarming with things that need to be done and things that could go terrible wrong.


What else do you have?  Please share!

2 thoughts on “You know you are a teacher approaching the beginning of a new school year when…”

  1. You plan out your first day of school outfit and have it all laid out the night before (including accessories)! Then, after the first day, scramble to find something to wear each weekday morning 🙂

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